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Cambodia Odyssey 15 days from $2938 AUD
April 15, 2018
cambodia-603496_1920 Battambang
Northern Cambodia Adventure – 11 days from $3,091 AUD
April 15, 2018

Colonial Highlights of Cambodia 11 days from $2106 AUD

Pepper plantation in Kampot

Pepper plantation in Kampot, Cambodia

Colonial Highlights of Cambodia

11 days visiting

  • Siem Reap
  • Battambang
  • Phnom Penh
  • Kampot
  • Kep

From $2106 AUD pp (2 pax)

Day 1 Siem Reap
Arrival in Siem Reap
Transfer by air conditioned vehicle
Angkor Introduction with Sunset at Phnom Bakheng
Enjoy a half day of art and culture followed by a gorgeous sunset at an ancient temple. We’ll be treated as VIPs with a personal tour of the Panorama Museum by the curator himself. The highlight is a 360-degree panoramic mural that stretches for almost 120 metres. Painted by well-known skillful Cambodian artists, the oil painting depicts the history of Angkor and provides a great introduction to the nearby temples. Just in time for the sunset we’ll head to the 9th century Phnom Bakheng Temple. From this mountain temple we can admire the stunning views of the Tonle Sap Lake and Angkor Wat in the warm glow of the late-afternoon sun. Today’s Highlights: Personal tour of Panorama Museum, sunset at Phnom Bakheng Temple
Transfer to/from Show
Enjoy the circus performance SEAT-B (for Adult)
After having performed in many countries around the world, the young and talented artistes from the famous Phare Ponleu Selpak in Battambang have now brought their exciting and energetic circus show to Siem Reap. Watch this unique show which combines traditional and modern theatre, music, dance, acrobatics, juggling and contortion. The beautifully choreographed and energetically performed show tells a story about Cambodian contemporary life in an ever changing society – Overnight in Siem Reap

Day 2 Siem Reap (Breakfast: Hotel / Lunch: Mahob Khmer Cuisine – 017 376 038 )
Sightseeing in Angkor
Visit Angkor Thom
The fortified city of Angkor Thom covers an area of 10 square km. Enclosed by a wall and wide moats; the city includes many of Angkor’s most popular sights. Enter by the monumental South Gate over a causeway lined on either side by statues of demons and gods, each carrying a giant naga. Continue to the Terrace of the Elephants and the Terrace of the Leper Kings, former spaces for public ceremonies, both adorned with dramatic bas reliefs. Visit the ruined Baphuon, Royal Enclosure and Phimeanakas before continuing to the mysterious Bayon Temple. In this temple, one of the most popular and compelling in Angkor, explore the galleries of beautifully preserved bas reliefs and ascend narrow stairs to reach the central sanctuary, where giant stone faces smiling enigmatically down from every angle.
Visit Ta Prohm temple
Ta Prohm is one of the most popular attractions of Angkor as much of the jungle has not been cleared and it looks very much as most of the Angkor monuments would have appeared when European explorers first stumbled across them.
Visit Angkor Wat
The crown jewel of Khmer architecture, Angkor Wat is the national symbol and the highlight of any visit to Cambodia. The largest, best preserved, and most religiously significant of the Angkor temples, Angkor impresses visitors both by its sheer scale and beautifully proportioned layout, as well as the delicate artistry of its carvings. To approach the temple, first cross the vast moat, continuing along a broad causeway lined with naga balustrades. Upon entering the main structure, ascend through a series of galleries and courtyard before reaching the central sanctuary, which offers beautiful views back over the causeway and across the surrounding countryside. On the way, stop to enjoy the intricate stone carvings that adorn nearly every surface of the temple, with some 1,700 Apsaras, or celestial dancers, sculpted from the walls. Along the outer gallery walls run the longest continuous bas-relief in the world, which narrates stories from Hindu mythology, including the famous Churning of the Ocean of Milk. Angkor Wat is stunning at any time of the day, but sunrise and sunset are especially beautiful times to watch the play of light on the stones.
Made in Cambodia market by Tuk Tuk
Support the Made in Cambodia Market and discover unique locally made souvenirs, live music and delicious street food. Travel by tuk-tuk to the Made in Cambodia Market where a colourful array of arts, crafts and food is on offer. This is your chance to purchase fine quality artisan products and luxury goods produced by a new generation of talented Cambodians. Social enterprises and NGOs as well as internationally recognised artists and designers display a variety of unique items including jewellery, clothes, textiles, handicrafts and artworks. Here you can pick up unusual souvenirs and presents knowing that your purchases are benefiting the local people either through direct income or skills development. When you’ve had enough of retail therapy stop to enjoy the friendly atmosphere, watch the live entertainment and street performers or take part in an artist’s workshop. Grab an ice cold beer or smoothie and sample some of the delicious local snacks and delicacies that are on sale. – Overnight in Siem Reap

Day 3 Siem Reap (Breakfast: Hotel / Lunch: Meals incl. in itinerary (Cambodia) )
Enjoy cooking class at the countryside
Discover the secrets of Cambodian cuisine guided by a professional chef. The culinary master will introduce guests to Cambodian herbs and ingredients used for centuries in the typical Cambodian kitchen. Relax in the environment of a local village in Cambodia. Enjoy lunch/dinner with the food from the class – Overnight in Siem Reap

Day 4 Siem Reap – Battambang (Breakfast: Hotel )
By vehicle from Siem Reap to Battambang
Excursion to the Bamboo Train and Banan Temple
Hold on for the ride of your life! A ride on the rickety bamboo train can only be described as a bizarre experience! The small wooden platform can reach quite a hair-raising speed as it trundles its way through the scenic countryside. Back on two feet, we’ll visit an ancient Angkorian temple, followed by a water blessing from a monk. The blessing is said to cleanse and bring luck. Maybe we should have had the blessing before the Bamboo train! Today’s Highlights: Rise on the Bamboo train, Wat Phnom Banon, water blessing from monk – Overnight in Battambang

Day 5 Battambang (Breakfast: Hotel / Lunch: Jaan Bai )
Excursion to Phnom Sampeau
Phnom Sampeau is a sacred but sobering sight. The hill is home to the Killing Caves, where the brutal and terrifying Khmer Rouge killed many of their victims. It is now a place of pilgrimage with a moving memorial to the many who died here. Today’s Highlights: Phnom Sampeau
Art Insider and Cruise
Battambang is undergoing a renaissance! Once considered to be Cambodia’s artistic hub, the arts scene was completely destroyed under the Khmer Rouge regime. But now, new art spaces are springing up all over the city. We’ll visit some of these galleries to chat with local artists. We’ll have a delicious lunch cooked by young Cambodians in a restaurant that provides training and employment for disadvantaged youth. In the afternoon, we can relax with a leisurely boat cruise along the Stung Sangke River to discover the daily life of the riverside communities. Today’s Highlights: Art galleries, lunch at Jaan Bai, boat trip along Stung Sangke Rive – Overnight in Battambang

Day 6 Battambang – Phnom Penh (Breakfast: Hotel )
By vehicle from Battambang to Phnom Penh with visit pottery village in Kampong Chhnang
The quiet village of Ondong Rossey is where the area’s famous red pottery originates. Almost every household in this region which is populated by serene rice fields and dotted with sugar palms is involved with producing some form of pottery. The pots, mostly unpainted but decorated with etched or appliqué designs are either made with a foot-spun wheel (smaller pieces) or banged into shape with a heavy wooden spatula (larger ones). These intricate processes are fascinating to observe – Overnight in Phnom Penh

Day 7 Phnom Penh (Breakfast: Hotel / Lunch: Friends The Restaurant )
Architectural Highlights of the Capital
Explore the streets of the capital city on a cyclo
a Cambodian bicycle-powered rickshaw. This tour offers a brief historical and cultural introduction to the city while experiencing firsthand the hustle and bustle of the streets. Pass by well-known colonial buildings that date from 1910 onwards, as well as some lesser known religious buildings. Explore the district around the old Post Office, and the streets to the southeast of the Central Market. There will be plenty of stops to take photos and even to go in and explore some of the buildings.
Art and Culture of Phnom Penh
Let’s see what Cambodia’s charming capital city has to offer! The riverfront promenade that lines the mighty Mekong is a hive of activity, from the chaotic traffic to busy pavements full of street-side vendors and pedestrians. We’ll visit the National Museum and the Silver Pagoda, and then rub shoulders with the royals in the Royal Palace, where King Norodom Sihamoi still lives today. Afterwards, we’ll visit the Champey Academy of Arts, a local non-profit school focused on training children in traditional Cambodian arts. This inspirational school supports students from impoverished and vulnerable conditions and is totally free. Today’s Highlights: Royal Palace, Silver Pagoda, National Museum, Champey Academy of Arts – Overnight in Phnom Penh

Day 8 Phnom Penh – Kampot (Breakfast: Hotel )
By vehicle from Phnom Penh to Kampot
Urban and Rural Kampot
Early risers, set your alarm for an optional visit to the Kampot Fish Market, rarely visited by tourists. As the sun slowly rises, watch the night fishermen bring their catch into the market. After breakfast we’ll take a tour of the sleepy riverside town. An old French colonial resort partly destroyed by the Khmer Rouge, but slowly being taken over by locals again. Some buildings have been renovated, others have been left to crumble. Then we’ll head out into the Cambodian countryside to an organic pepper plantation where we can buy jars of high quality Kampot pepper to take home. Today’s Highlights: Kampot Fish Market (optional), Kampot Museum, pepper plantation – Overnight in Kampot

Day 9 Kampot – Kep (Breakfast: Hotel )
Visit Kampot Fish Market
For the early risers, set out just before dawn for an optional visit to the Kampot Fish Market, a very small market at the Kampot River’s bank. As the sun slowly rises watch the night fishermen return with their catch, and witness the lively scenes of a traditional market rarely visited by tourists.
Excursion to caves around Kampot
The limestone mountains around Kampot and Kep are riddled with caves, many of which are revered as sacred shrines. We’ll venture down the dark corridors of ancient caves to explore chimneys, passageways and rock formations. Many small pagodas and shrines have been erected over the years. Today’s Highlights: Various caves around Kampot.
By vehicle from Kampot to Kep
– Overnight in Kep

Day 10 Kep (Breakfast: Hotel )
All day at leisure
– Overnight in Kep

Day 11 Kep (Breakfast: Hotel )
By vehicle from Kep to Phnom Penh