Cat Ba National Park
Cat Ba Exploration, 3 days
April 28, 2018
sunrise-219778_640 Hue
The Golden Centre, 5 days
April 28, 2018

Phong Nha Caves, 3 days

dreamstime_m_68924108 Quang Tri Citadel

Phong Nha Caves

Day 1 Hue – Dong Ha – Dong Hoi

By vehicle from Hue to Dong Ha
Excursion to DMZ Zone (Demilitarized Zone)
Visit Ben Hai River and Hien Luong Bridge

BEN HAI RIVER: once the demarcation line between North and South Vietnam.

Visit Vinh Moc Tunnels

Vinh MOC TUNNELS: 2.8km of tunnels built by the villagers of Vinh Moc, who lived in one of the most heavily bombed places. The people began tunneling by hand into the red clay earth and made the tunnels their home.

Visit Cua Tung Beach

CUA TUNG BEACH: a long secluded stretch of sand where the last emperor, Bao Dai, used to go on vacation.

Visit Quang Tri Citadel

QUANG TRI: the town was once an important citadel city. During the war, it was heavily bombed and not many of the original buildings of the time are left.

Visit Doc Mieu Base

DOC MIEU BASE: located on a low rise south of the Ben Hai River – part of the former Mc Namara line – this base was once part of an elaborate electronic system intended to prevent infiltration across the DMZ. Today, you can still see the remains of bunkers, craters and shrapnel.

By vehicle from Dong Ha to Dong Hoi

– Overnight in Dong Hoi

Day 2 Dong Hoi (Breakfast: Hotel )

Excursion to Phong Nha Cave (Dry and Wet Caves) with boat trip

The Phong Nha cave system is about 50 kilometers away from Dong Hoi, northwest across Quang Binh Province. Arrive at the Phong Nha Cave where a boat takes you about 5 kilometers downstream the Son River, which is the world longest underground river, and winds its way throughout the cave system. From Phong Nha cave you will continue the trip to Tien Son Cave followed by Bi Ky. This cave was used by the Cham people in the 9th and 10th century as a Buddhist sanctuary. While visiting the cave visitors have an opportunity to have a look at the altars and inscriptions from the Cham culture. On the way back visit the Tien (Fairy) Cave and the Imperial Palace (Cung Dinh). These caves are known for their breath-taking stalactites. End the day with a visit to Nuoc Mooc Spring – Overnight in Dong Hoi

Day 3 Dong Hoi (Breakfast: Hotel )

By vehicle from Dong Hoi to Hue