Pink Fishing Boat Docked in Local Village
Kampong Chhnang
April 21, 2018
Colorful boats on Mekong river, Kratie, Cambodia
April 21, 2018

Kompong Thom

Fisherman in Kompong Thom, Cambodia.

Fisherman in Kompong Thom, Cambodia.

Kompong Thom

The authentic region of Kompong Thom, situated in the centre of Cambodia, features one of the most important cultural heritages of the country.

Among them are Phum Prasat and Sambor Prei Kuk with over a hundred pre-Angkorian temples lost in the jungle.

There is an interesting fruit bat roost in the grounds of the old governors residence (a nice colonial era building). This is behind the market on the first road off the river.

The grasslands and rice-fields surrounding Kompong Thom of an extreme importance for wildlife conservation. These areas hold the largest global population of the endangered Bustard the Bengal Florican as well as occasional large waterbirds from the Tonle Sap floodplain (Adjutants, Pelican, Painted Stork). Other species include large numbers of wintering palearctic passerines (including Dusky Warbler, Yellow-breasted Bunting, Siberian Rubythroat) and the globally vulnerable Manchurian Reed Warbler. In March large numbers of Oriental Plover pass through the area making this possibly the best area in the world to see this species.

The areas also offer a glimpse of everyday life in the Cambodian countryside with many fishermen, ox-carts and small scale farmers. The best way to visit the grasslands is by en-listing the help of a moto-dop driver from in-front of the Arunras guesthouse.

Visit Phnom Suntuk and climb the 807 steps to the pagoda at the top of the mountain. Follow the trails around to discover hidden locations, rock wall carvings, statues and shrines. Get a roast chicken at one of the restaurants at the bottom of the mountain and relax in a hammock while you wait.

Sambor Prei Kuk and see the remaining ruins of the pre Angkorian capital city of the Chenla Kingdom. Predating Angkor by 400 years, it is a canditate for World Heritage listing in the not to distant future. Lacking the grandeur of Angkor Wat, it is a nice excursion through the country side about 45 minutes drive from Kampong Thom. Kampong Thom

Take a boat trip on the Stung Sen river and discover life on the edge of the Tonle Sap Lakes longest tributary river.

Pure Luxe Travel can create your journey to places of your choice, where you stay as long as you want.

Kompong Thom Tours