Connecting with nature and knowing its grandeur has taken millions of years to achieve, one cannot help but feel humbled in its presence. It’s safe to say that it ignites this instinctual need in us to stay and never leave, if we were given a choice. Plus, it’s been scientifically proven that just being amongst nature helps to reduce stress, anxiety, and all that stuff we’d rather not have in our lives. Lets discover the top-rated places to go and things to see on your best Borneo tours.
Borneo is teeming with wildlife and you’d be hard-pressed to find them anywhere else. Whether they are superb climbers or brilliant navigators of the jungle, the animals on this list are one-of-a-kind. However, they are all under threat due to human activities such as poaching and illegal wildlife trade. In a few years’ time, these amazing creatures may not be here for future generations to witness.