Located just east of Bali, Lombok in many ways lives up to or exceeds the promotional term, “an unspoiled Bali”. With beautiful beaches, enchanting waterfalls, the large, looming volcano of Mount Rinjani combined with relatively few tourists, Lombok is indeed the tropical island that many people still mistakenly imagine Bali to be now.
We have ideas for your holiday
WHAT : Anything
WHERE : Lombok
WHEN : Anytime
Why Choose Lombok Over Bali
Lombok has been in Bali’s shadow for years, with tourists flocking to the big-name sites on the bigger island. Lombok beaches are just as impressive as it’s sister island, and there are a host of other things to see on the island. Indonesia is a diverse region with plenty to do, not only on Bali. Take a trip to Lombok and discover some hidden gems.
Natural Beauty
Lombok welcomes far fewer international tourists each year than Bali, which means that it still maintains its pristine state. There are beautiful beaches along the idyllic virgin coastline to explore. And as more travellers discover Lombok’s authentic charm, boutique guest houses are springing up so that you can enjoy what the traditional community has to offer.
The traditional villages of Lombok are the perfect place for those who crave a tranquil relaxing get-away. The best beaches of Lombok are within striking distance if you choose one of our Lombok tours, or you can customise a trip to the region to include gorgeous accommodation
More Bang for Your Buck
As Lombok is still largely undiscovered, it is still possible to stay in unique villas or guesthouses that are affordable and unspoiled. The range of dining options is extensive, too, with choices ranging from the traditional native dishes to haute cuisine, all of which come at surprisingly affordable prices.
Tranquil Atmosphere
Ditch the crowds of Bali and head over to Lombok, where you will have the space and freedom to meander from one idyllic beach to another.
Whether you’re looking for an out-of-the-ordinary honeymoon or you simply prefer a more laid back vibe, Lombok beaches are a great place to spend time. There are fewer people, fewer big organised events, and fewer hawkers to distract from the natural beauty of the island.
You will definitely want to spend some time at Tangsi Beach, where you can relax on the page pink sands, snorkel in the crystal clear water, and marvel at the virgin coastline that surrounds it.
If you can tear yourself away from Lombok’s best beaches, then head inland and check out the scenery of a different description. Take a tour to the twin rainbow waterfalls of Tiu Teja and Tiu Kelep to be wowed by flora and fauna inland.
If you like combining your beach break with a little action, then you should definitely bring your walking shoes to Lombok. Home not only to the best beaches in Indonesia, but it also counts the second highest volcano in the region amongst its charms. You can hike Mount Rinjani’s unspoiled trails, and if you’re a keen walker, you can climb all the way to the spectacular lake
Sengara Anak on the summit.
If you want to explore beyond Lombok’s beaches then why not add island hopping to your itinerary, Lombok is located in an island constellation that also encompasses the three Gili Islands. It only takes a few hours to cross over to other islands nearby and see what they have to offer.
If you’re looking for a more relaxed alternative to Bali, then consider Lombok for your holiday. The best beaches in the region, fantastic food, and friendly locals make this pristine paradise an unmissable destination.
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Top Ten Things To Do In Lombok
Lоmbok iѕ ѕurroundеd bу a numbеr of ѕmаllеr islands lосаllу саllеd Gili. Hоwеvеr, this inсrеdiblе iѕlаnd ѕhоuld nеvеr bе undеrеѕtimаtеd, with thе сulturе, реорlе аnd nаturаl bеаutу, it ѕhоuld dеfinitеlу bе оn уоur trаvеl buсkеt liѕt.
Hеrе Is Our Tеn Tор Tеn Thingѕ Tо Dо In Lоmbоk.
- Trеk Tо Tiu Kеlер Wаtеrfаll
- Sеlоng Belanak And Viеwроint
- Chесk Out Thе Viеwѕ Frоm Bukit Pеrgаѕingаn
- Gо Cave Exрlоring At Bаngkаng
- Tоur Thе Sеkоtоng Iѕlаndѕ
- Viѕit Tetebatu Villаgе
- Viѕit Sukarare Villаgе
- Trek Tо Mаngku Sаkti Wаtеrfаll
- Mаrvеl At Thе Wаvеѕ At Tаnjung Poki
- Viѕit Gunung Tunаk Nаtiоnаl Park